Drug Directory

Rx-Care Drug Directory is a comprehensive database for drugs, and active ingredients with a full profile.

Drug Profile Contents


Indications and doses


Side and Adverse Effects

Using with pregnancy and lactation

Known and unknown allergy cases

Drug-drug Interactions

Drug-food Interactions

Drug-laboratory Interferences

Drug Storage

Patient Advising

Drug Alternatives

Rx-Care Drug Directory enables the user searching by Trade name, active ingredient, ATC code, anatomical group, therapeutic group, pharmacological group, and chemical group.

International Standards

  • ATC classification: WHO active ingredient classification
  • ICD9/10-CM (International Code of Disease)
  • FDA Pharmaceutical Pregnancy Categories (A, B, C, D, and X)

Rx-Care Drug Directory works on promoting health

  • Avoid pregnancy complications
  • Avoid non-healthy foods
  • Avoid medications interactions
  • Avoid hypersensitivity
  • Avoid interferences with medical tests

Rx-Care Drug Directory can be used by pharmacists, physicians, and also by public.
Rx-Care Drug Directory can act as a standalone solution, and also can  integrate with other health care IT Solutions for hospitals, pharmacies, clinics, and laboratories.